so basic

so basicso basic
  1. It is so basic but many got it mixed up .


  2. This question seems so basic , it 's almost not worth asking .


  3. It sounds so basic .


  4. So basic iterative learning control algorithms can 't be used in the case which the trajectory is square wave or triangle wave .


  5. So basic TVUs Should try their best to deal with these problems , and meet the needs of learners'studying in different levels .


  6. So basic environmental laws , environmental code or other integrated environmental law enacted by many countries prescribe the basic substance and procedure rights of public participation .


  7. By tradition , a Franco-German compromise would be hammered out . But the issues involved are so basic that a deal may not be easily found .


  8. So basic NOEM model also combines imperfect competition in labor and product markets , nominal rigidities and the optimal price setting which due to time-varying profit .


  9. So the basic idea is that people nowadays just use work ?


  10. So the basic question is , who will go ?


  11. Implementation group cooperation study to teacher 's questions and so on basic request .


  12. So the basic seismic intensity of the site should be ⅶ .


  13. So the basic facilities are good .


  14. So the basic theory of prosecution lies in the justice and efficiency value .


  15. So the basic idea of I.P. , or Internet protocol ,


  16. So the basic policy of the attracting FDI should be persisted .


  17. So its basic task is to help avoid network intrusions by blocking unwanted traffic .


  18. So the basic English , success or failure of the curriculum reform for English professional talent training quality is very important .


  19. So GH basic information data more reasonable use of various resources and achieve the ultimate purposes & differentiation strategy implementation .


  20. This system is mainly composed of a signal transmitting module , signal acquisition module , correlated modules and so on basic modules .


  21. Nowadays , the competition between different countries has been transferred to basic research . So the basic research has become an important part of national strategic resource .


  22. And the wavelet transform itself is of so long basic functions that serious ghost appears in the decompressed images at low bit rate .


  23. Have excellent basic skills before they can apply to the technical movements of the higher degree of difficulty , so the basic skills is very important .


  24. One use might be to ease the import crunch that has resulted in shortages of so many basic goods , such as toilet paper .


  25. However , current simplification algorithms do not keep the local characteristics of the model effectively , so the basic model simplified does not meet the human cognitive process .


  26. Chinese anti dumping regulation is established on the basis of International Anti dumping Agreements , so the basic rules are consistent in both cases .


  27. The work concerning China 's judicial review of antidumping is in its infancy , so some basic issues of theory and practice are to be solved .


  28. So the basic strategy underlying what the president is doing is to move as quickly , with as much force as comprehensibly as possible .


  29. Basic ruling power problems , again good benefit policy to carry out , so also basic problem solving crimes would not be the socialism new rural construction can succeed .


  30. All the interfaces use the same class-based interface to the Xapian libraries , so the basic structure of the process is the same .
